Saturday, November 22, 2008
Friday, November 07, 2008
So you really want the pain...

On Tuesday November 4, 2008, the American public elected Barrack H. Obama as president (I can't believe I just typed that). The only reason I can figure that my fellow Americans would elect such a Dumbass is because they "honesty" believe that he(a man who has never lead anything and who had only been in the U.S. Senate for a total of 143 days., is because they think that he will correct our Economy. The problem with that theory is that he wanted to increase taxes, and it was the Democrats that killed the economy in the first place. You don't create jobs by increases taxes you create jobs and improve the Economy by cutting taxes. That's it there is no other mysterious spell to be cast to save a struggling Economy, period. End of story.
Why don't people get that? Honestly, it's not that hard. Is it?
Yet people Elected Barrack. Personally I think I or John Cena could do a better job then, Barrack, I mean are you kidding me?
Monday, October 13, 2008
Ten foot tall and Fireproof
If you haven't seen the movie Fireproof, do yourself a favor and go see it's great. Fireproof
The reviews of this movie are in large part secular in nature, so go see it, and judge it for yourself.
I promise you won't be sorry.
The reviews of this movie are in large part secular in nature, so go see it, and judge it for yourself.
I promise you won't be sorry.
Friday, October 03, 2008
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Monday, September 29, 2008
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Why so tired?
I don't know if it's the weather or what but both Katie and I have been getting sick and both are tired. Good thing I have tomorrow to chill and rest a bit.
Friday, September 26, 2008
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Monday, July 21, 2008
Big weekend, for Crin
This past weekend my paladin Crin was able to experience 3 almost for different end game raids; Kara, Mags and ZA, it was a great experience and it was ton of fun.
You can check out my gear here
You can check out my gear here
Tuesday, July 01, 2008
Hmmm...What if this is true
This article I found claims that there is church of hate in the heartland of America; in Topeka, Kansas and Lebanon, Missouri. Check it out for yourselves..
Thursday, June 26, 2008
How can people actually think about Obama...
How can people think about voting for a guy who thinks that there are 58 states, who thinks that it would be a good idea to tax the profits of gas companies, and who thinks that it is a bad idea to oil in this country...
There is no way that drilling for oil in this country is a bad idea, making this country less dependent on oil from Canada, Mexico and Saudi Arabia.
That's just few of the reasons I will NOT be voting for Sen. Obama.
There is no way that drilling for oil in this country is a bad idea, making this country less dependent on oil from Canada, Mexico and Saudi Arabia.
That's just few of the reasons I will NOT be voting for Sen. Obama.
Friday, June 13, 2008
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
I hate Ohio....
So my wife and I recently returned from vacation in Florida, where it was in the 80's and sunny. Only to discover that the temperature in our home was 56 degrees and this morning then I woke up the news said it was 47 degrees; are you serious? Yes, it is indeed May and it's in the 50's in OHIO.
Why me?
Why me?
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Something interesting
Recently I have switched WOW server and joined the Alea Icata Est guild on Earthen Ring and anyway while on there forums I came across this thread entitled "Why are you a Democrat?" I begin reading these posts and quickly determined that these guys where no very smart and I'd like to post the contents of page 3 from this thread in which you will find me posting as Srill. Let me know what you think?
Please not that my post don't begin till the bottom third of the page....
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Post subject: Re: Why are you a Democrat?
PostPosted: Fri Apr 04, 2008 12:26 pm
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Taidaishar wrote:
One might also claim that statutory rape or child molestation are discrimination if the two parties are both willing, however, we have laws against it and they apply to everyone equally.
I'd be lying if I said that I understood your argument here. Children, by legal definition, cannot give consent.
Women, can't live with 'em. Pass the beer nuts.
- Norm, from Cheers
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Post subject: Re: Why are you a Democrat?
PostPosted: Fri Apr 04, 2008 12:36 pm
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Elderbury wrote:
Taidaishar wrote:
One might also claim that statutory rape or child molestation are discrimination if the two parties are both willing, however, we have laws against it and they apply to everyone equally.
I'd be lying if I said that I understood your argument here. Children, by legal definition, cannot give consent.
I figured you'd say that. But then again, does that not discriminate against one group of people? What makes an 18 year old man any less than a 17 and 364 day old boy? Are we not telling one group of people they can't do one thing while another group can? However, the law applies evenly to everyone. It's the same with drinking laws... if that helps. Both people are adults, but one can drink and one can't. You could call it discrimination, but the law applies evenly to everyone.
Don't get me wrong, I don't think any of these laws are out of order or should be changed. I'm merely giving an example of certain laws that are the same for everyone, but when viewed in a different way, could be construed as discriminatory.
edit: I saw you lurking so I was waiting for your response and kept hitting refresh... I didn't notice there was a third page...
Edit 2: I'm not saying that civil unions should or should NOT be legalized. I'm merely saying that as it stands now, homosexuals have the same rights as we do. If civil unions happen, it's not just going to give homosexuals the right to marry someone of the same sex, it's going to give EVERYONE that right, even heterosexuals.
Taidaishar - retired level 70 Tauren Shaman
I don't believe there is anything in the world wrong with me trading a bunch of gold to you and you giving me $100, as a private, consensual transaction.
~Randy Deluxe
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Post subject: Re: Why are you a Democrat?
PostPosted: Tue Apr 08, 2008 7:06 am
Joined: Mon Mar 17, 2008 8:52 pm
Posts: 16
Elderbury wrote:
Reasons you should be a Republican
If you believe in federal deficit spending, if you believe that tax cuts for the wealthiest Americans stimulate economic growth, if you believe that business interests should take precedent over environmental interests, if you believe that the U.S. military can and should be used to protect U.S. economic interests abroad, if you believe that heterosexuals should have rights that homosexuals do not, then for all these reasons, you should be a republican.
Reasons you should be a democrat
If you believe in a balanced federal budget, if you believe that domestic programs should take precedent over military spending, if you believe in a woman's right to choose, if you favor civil unions or marriage for gay couples, if you believe that people with the highest incomes should be taxed equivalently to the less wealthy, if you believe that environmental concerns should take precedent over business issues, then for all these reasons, you should be a democrat.
lol yeah no bias there at all...
Elderbury wrote:
if you believe that tax cuts for the wealthiest Americans stimulate economic growth
Mate, I am no where near the wealthiest americans, and I can guarantee you I felt those tax cuts. It put more money in my pocket each paycheck.
Elderbury wrote:
if you believe that heterosexuals should have rights that homosexuals do not
I am totally calling shenanigans on this statement. I am a conservative and believe people should enjoy the same secular rights, regardless of orientation.
Elderbury wrote:
if you favor civil unions or marriage for gay couples
Yeah see here is the thing, I am all in favor of Civil Unions, but not Gay Marriage. Yet, amazingly, I am called a bigot, funny thing, that.
Elderbury wrote:
if you believe that people with the highest incomes should be taxed equivalently to the less wealthy
Again, shenanigans...I do believe in taxing the rich equally to the poor. The Democrats are the ones who believe the rich should pay a higher tax rate than the poor. We conservatives want a flat tax across the board. This is simple basic math that noone seems to get..If we all pay 10% then it is a fair and even tax. Poor man makes 100 dollars and pays 10 dollars in taxes. Rich man makes 1000 dollars and pays 100 dollars in taxes. Seems fair to me. Now lets go with the current tax code that liberals so adore...poor person makes 100 dollars and pays 22% or 22 dollars, rich person makes 1000 dollars and pays 33% or 330 dollars. I am using the tax brackets from a previous poster.
Bah, has anyone else realized that the entire political party system has become nothing more than a Yankees vs Red Sox argument with nothing real getting done?
(Bare is 4 Tank)
Formerly Ashargan/Durlak
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Post subject: Re: Why are you a Democrat?
PostPosted: Wed Apr 16, 2008 2:02 pm
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Bovne wrote:
sloof70 wrote:
Taxes and Budget: Know why politicians give tax breaks to the rich? Because they are their friends. Even with higher taxes, the rich will still be rich, so stop bitching about it. Also, the budget should always be balanced. The government has been spending "imaginary money" for far too long.
I don't understand why people say this. The higher the income the greater the tax percentage you pay. Last year, my wife and I (we file jointly) finally went over the $100000 mark for total income. That change our tax bracket. Instead of having to pay about 22% income tax, now we had to pay 33%. Because of this, we ended up owing at that end of the year instead of getting a refund. I don't see how this is fair? Had we made less money, I would have been able to keep more.
Just to clarify, this isn't exactly how a progressive tax works. If it did, there would be an incentive to actually make less money in some situations. Note the Earned Income Tax credit is a different story, but generally only applies to very poor working families with dependants (people who really need it).
With a progressive tax, only the part of your income over the next bracket is taxed at that bracket.
A simple example:
A tax system with the following brackets:
0-$10,000 10%
$10,001-$50,000 20%
$50,001+ 30%
In this system, someone making $8,000 would have tax liability of $800.
Someone making $25,000 would not have a tax liability of $5,000, but rather $4,000 (10% of $10,000+ 20% of the remaining $15,000).
When you went into the next bracket, you were not all of a sudden paying more taxes on money you were already making, but simply a higher percentage of the extra money. Your not losing money on the deal.
The tax rates at the higher brackets never go above 35%, check out what people at those levels per paying in the 60s and 70s!
This is the current schedule:,,id=109877,00.html
Also note, SS tax rates work differently, and actually have a cap to how much of income is taxable by it.
Just posing to clarify, I'll make an opinion post later :D
edit: Looking at the post, I realize It might be a bit pedantic. The original poster probably knows this stuff already, but simply didn't remember to change their W-2 witholding amounts when their income increased. I made the same mistake last year, and also suffered for it :(
I'll leave this post as is, but I didn't intend to give anyone a lecture.
Hero of the Month for April: Thomas Jefferson
I know no safe depository of the ultimate powers of the society but the people themselves
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Post subject: Re: Why are you a Democrat?
PostPosted: Mon Apr 28, 2008 12:11 pm
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Taidaishar wrote:
I'm not saying that civil unions should or should NOT be legalized. I'm merely saying that as it stands now, homosexuals have the same rights as we do. If civil unions happen, it's not just going to give homosexuals the right to marry someone of the same sex, it's going to give EVERYONE that right, even heterosexuals.
Marriage isn't the only right denied gay americans. Though there are a multitude of rights and privileges associated with marriage that are denied to gay couples.
And without being able to legally declare the other person as a dependent a homosexual couple cannot benefit from one another’s health insurance. In some states laws have been passed that ban same-sex partner benefits. Without lawful recognition of gay couples a child cannot inherit from their biological parent’s same-sex partner. A gay or lesbian couple can be legally denied housing in many states. A same sex partner has no legal standing to sue for wrongful death, make arrangements for their partner’s funeral, or visit their partner in the hospital. A gay or lesbian couple cannot adopt in many states. In others a person in a same sex relationship cannot even file domestic abuse charges. According to the law two men or women who love each other and lived together for years are just strangers. And this institutionalized discrimination does not end with just a couple. The anti-gay stance of the united states military and state department are fine examples of a place where heterosexuals have rights that are denied to homosexuals. One of the most heinous and egregious violations of a homosexual man or woman’s civil rights is that in many states it is perfectly legal to fire someone, simply for being gay.
Sources: ... 8801310406 ... argue.html ... 66176.html ... Jan10.html ... riage-ban/ ... A963958260
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Post subject: Re: Why are you a Democrat?
PostPosted: Mon Apr 28, 2008 12:37 pm
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Honar wrote:
Yeah see here is the thing, I am all in favor of Civil Unions, but not Gay Marriage. Yet, amazingly, I am called a bigot, funny thing, that.
I wouldn't call you a bigot, but I find creating a separate but equal status for one minority group to be rather discriminatory. If you are going to make the argument of marriage as a religious institution then we should have civil unions for everyone and thus have religious marriage wholly separate from the legal contract of marriage. Though as long as atheists can get married marriage is not a religious institution. ;)
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Post subject: Re: Why are you a Democrat?
PostPosted: Mon Apr 28, 2008 12:49 pm
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OolonColluphid wrote:
Honar wrote:
Yeah see here is the thing, I am all in favor of Civil Unions, but not Gay Marriage. Yet, amazingly, I am called a bigot, funny thing, that.
I wouldn't call you a bigot, but I find creating a separate but equal status for one minority group to be rather discriminatory. If you are going to make the argument of marriage as a religious institution then we should have civil unions for everyone and thus have religious marriage wholly separate from the legal contract of marriage. Though as long as atheists can get married marriage is not a religious institution. ;)
I am thinking along these lines as well. Marriage is a religious ceremony, when you get married in a church you are still required to take the document in to be certified by the state or get a license from the state. Problem is people would go all emo if you called all marriages as they exist now civil unions.
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Post subject: Re: Why are you a Democrat?
PostPosted: Tue Apr 29, 2008 9:35 am
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I'm a Registered Republican, but I consider my self more of a Libertarian then I do Republican because I'm a Conservative first and foremost. I believe in the individual( I believe that you can succeed, I believe that you can fail, I believe that it's up to you). I believe in the Constitution of this Great Country and the fact that ALL men are created equal. I believe in small government with LESS regulation on business. I believe in freedom of religion not freedom from religion. I believe in the free market and letting the market correct not thur stimulus checks but time. I believe in low taxes(because the more money you have the more you can save or spend, depending on what you decide, not what someone tells you). I believe in school choice. I believe that you don't need someone to tell you what to and how to do it. I believe that America is the greatest country in the world, that you can achieve any thing if you try. I believe that you and I are what makes America great.
On non-Fiscal issues I rank as a Strong Conservative(88) and on Fiscal issues I rank as a Strong Conservative(85)
I also believe that the current tax code is horrible and should be replaced with the Fairtax
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Post subject: Re: Why are you a Democrat?
PostPosted: Tue Apr 29, 2008 2:31 pm
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Srill wrote:
I believe in freedom of religion not freedom from religion.
How do you mean? The reason I ask is because when I think of "freedom from religion" I think of the freedom to be an atheist. I have seen some others use it to mean that state sponsored programs (schools) should not endorse a religion and/or tax money should not go to religious groups. So, I'm just curious what "freedom from religion" means to you.
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Post subject: Re: Why are you a Democrat?
PostPosted: Wed Apr 30, 2008 9:04 am
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OolonColluphid wrote:
Srill wrote:
I believe in freedom of religion not freedom from religion.
How do you mean? The reason I ask is because when I think of "freedom from religion" I think of the freedom to be an atheist. I have seen some others use it to mean that state sponsored programs (schools) should not endorse a religion and/or tax money should not go to religious groups. So, I'm just curious what "freedom from religion" means to you.
To me Freedom of religion, means that you can practice any religion you like, be it Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Buddhism or you can be an atheist or an agnostic, it's up to you. However, there is no freedom from religion, meaning that anyone can display the Ten Commandments, or whatever other religious symbol anywhere. Also if you go to a government building and there's something religious on display doesn't mean you have to look at it. No one is forcing you to look at their cross on their neck or prayer mat in there locker at school. Freedom of means you can practice whatever you choose, I can tell you you are wrong, but you can still do it.
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Post subject: Re: Why are you a Democrat?
PostPosted: Wed Apr 30, 2008 9:54 am
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Srill wrote:
Also if you go to a government building and there's something religious on display doesn't mean you have to look at it.
I have no problem with the rest of what you said, but specific religious symbols (bought with taxpayer money) in a courthouse and/or school violate the seperation o church and state. If someone wants to donate a ten commandments monument and have it labeled as such, or a government employee wants to adorn their space with religious symbols I have no problem. Yet if a school or courthouse uses taxpayer funds to put up a picture of Jesus or the ten commandments then that goes beyond freedom of religion and becomes tax payer money funding religion and thus showing preference to a religion.
I agree that there are those that go overboard against public displays of religion, but I don't think tax money or government organizations should be involved in religion. It's a dangerous mix.
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Post subject: Re: Why are you a Democrat?
PostPosted: Wed Apr 30, 2008 6:22 pm
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OolonColluphid wrote:
Srill wrote:
Also if you go to a government building and there's something religious on display doesn't mean you have to look at it.
I have no problem with the rest of what you said, but specific religious symbols (bought with taxpayer money) in a courthouse and/or school violate the seperation o church and state. If someone wants to donate a ten commandments monument and have it labeled as such, or a government employee wants to adorn their space with religious symbols I have no problem. Yet if a school or courthouse uses taxpayer funds to put up a picture of Jesus or the ten commandments then that goes beyond freedom of religion and becomes tax payer money funding religion and thus showing preference to a religion.
I agree that there are those that go overboard against public displays of religion, but I don't think tax money or government organizations should be involved in religion. It's a dangerous mix.
The separation of church and state, is a phrase that is often toss about by those whom are afraid of ANYTHING religious being on display, anywhere. Secondly, there is no reference to the separation of church and state ANYWAY in the constitution or the bill of rights. The phrase comes from Thomas Jefferson's letter to the Danbury Baptists, which you can find at
In this letter Thomas Jefferson explains why he didn't call for national days of fasting and Thanksgiving, as George Washington and John Adams had as president. But two days later he, himself went to church.
This phrase is always taken out of context, and once again we return to the whole freedom of religion, not freedom from religion.
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Please not that my post don't begin till the bottom third of the page....
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Post subject: Re: Why are you a Democrat?
PostPosted: Fri Apr 04, 2008 12:26 pm
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Taidaishar wrote:
One might also claim that statutory rape or child molestation are discrimination if the two parties are both willing, however, we have laws against it and they apply to everyone equally.
I'd be lying if I said that I understood your argument here. Children, by legal definition, cannot give consent.
Women, can't live with 'em. Pass the beer nuts.
- Norm, from Cheers
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Post subject: Re: Why are you a Democrat?
PostPosted: Fri Apr 04, 2008 12:36 pm
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Elderbury wrote:
Taidaishar wrote:
One might also claim that statutory rape or child molestation are discrimination if the two parties are both willing, however, we have laws against it and they apply to everyone equally.
I'd be lying if I said that I understood your argument here. Children, by legal definition, cannot give consent.
I figured you'd say that. But then again, does that not discriminate against one group of people? What makes an 18 year old man any less than a 17 and 364 day old boy? Are we not telling one group of people they can't do one thing while another group can? However, the law applies evenly to everyone. It's the same with drinking laws... if that helps. Both people are adults, but one can drink and one can't. You could call it discrimination, but the law applies evenly to everyone.
Don't get me wrong, I don't think any of these laws are out of order or should be changed. I'm merely giving an example of certain laws that are the same for everyone, but when viewed in a different way, could be construed as discriminatory.
edit: I saw you lurking so I was waiting for your response and kept hitting refresh... I didn't notice there was a third page...
Edit 2: I'm not saying that civil unions should or should NOT be legalized. I'm merely saying that as it stands now, homosexuals have the same rights as we do. If civil unions happen, it's not just going to give homosexuals the right to marry someone of the same sex, it's going to give EVERYONE that right, even heterosexuals.
Taidaishar - retired level 70 Tauren Shaman
I don't believe there is anything in the world wrong with me trading a bunch of gold to you and you giving me $100, as a private, consensual transaction.
~Randy Deluxe
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Post subject: Re: Why are you a Democrat?
PostPosted: Tue Apr 08, 2008 7:06 am
Joined: Mon Mar 17, 2008 8:52 pm
Posts: 16
Elderbury wrote:
Reasons you should be a Republican
If you believe in federal deficit spending, if you believe that tax cuts for the wealthiest Americans stimulate economic growth, if you believe that business interests should take precedent over environmental interests, if you believe that the U.S. military can and should be used to protect U.S. economic interests abroad, if you believe that heterosexuals should have rights that homosexuals do not, then for all these reasons, you should be a republican.
Reasons you should be a democrat
If you believe in a balanced federal budget, if you believe that domestic programs should take precedent over military spending, if you believe in a woman's right to choose, if you favor civil unions or marriage for gay couples, if you believe that people with the highest incomes should be taxed equivalently to the less wealthy, if you believe that environmental concerns should take precedent over business issues, then for all these reasons, you should be a democrat.
lol yeah no bias there at all...
Elderbury wrote:
if you believe that tax cuts for the wealthiest Americans stimulate economic growth
Mate, I am no where near the wealthiest americans, and I can guarantee you I felt those tax cuts. It put more money in my pocket each paycheck.
Elderbury wrote:
if you believe that heterosexuals should have rights that homosexuals do not
I am totally calling shenanigans on this statement. I am a conservative and believe people should enjoy the same secular rights, regardless of orientation.
Elderbury wrote:
if you favor civil unions or marriage for gay couples
Yeah see here is the thing, I am all in favor of Civil Unions, but not Gay Marriage. Yet, amazingly, I am called a bigot, funny thing, that.
Elderbury wrote:
if you believe that people with the highest incomes should be taxed equivalently to the less wealthy
Again, shenanigans...I do believe in taxing the rich equally to the poor. The Democrats are the ones who believe the rich should pay a higher tax rate than the poor. We conservatives want a flat tax across the board. This is simple basic math that noone seems to get..If we all pay 10% then it is a fair and even tax. Poor man makes 100 dollars and pays 10 dollars in taxes. Rich man makes 1000 dollars and pays 100 dollars in taxes. Seems fair to me. Now lets go with the current tax code that liberals so adore...poor person makes 100 dollars and pays 22% or 22 dollars, rich person makes 1000 dollars and pays 33% or 330 dollars. I am using the tax brackets from a previous poster.
Bah, has anyone else realized that the entire political party system has become nothing more than a Yankees vs Red Sox argument with nothing real getting done?
(Bare is 4 Tank)
Formerly Ashargan/Durlak
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Post subject: Re: Why are you a Democrat?
PostPosted: Wed Apr 16, 2008 2:02 pm
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Bovne wrote:
sloof70 wrote:
Taxes and Budget: Know why politicians give tax breaks to the rich? Because they are their friends. Even with higher taxes, the rich will still be rich, so stop bitching about it. Also, the budget should always be balanced. The government has been spending "imaginary money" for far too long.
I don't understand why people say this. The higher the income the greater the tax percentage you pay. Last year, my wife and I (we file jointly) finally went over the $100000 mark for total income. That change our tax bracket. Instead of having to pay about 22% income tax, now we had to pay 33%. Because of this, we ended up owing at that end of the year instead of getting a refund. I don't see how this is fair? Had we made less money, I would have been able to keep more.
Just to clarify, this isn't exactly how a progressive tax works. If it did, there would be an incentive to actually make less money in some situations. Note the Earned Income Tax credit is a different story, but generally only applies to very poor working families with dependants (people who really need it).
With a progressive tax, only the part of your income over the next bracket is taxed at that bracket.
A simple example:
A tax system with the following brackets:
0-$10,000 10%
$10,001-$50,000 20%
$50,001+ 30%
In this system, someone making $8,000 would have tax liability of $800.
Someone making $25,000 would not have a tax liability of $5,000, but rather $4,000 (10% of $10,000+ 20% of the remaining $15,000).
When you went into the next bracket, you were not all of a sudden paying more taxes on money you were already making, but simply a higher percentage of the extra money. Your not losing money on the deal.
The tax rates at the higher brackets never go above 35%, check out what people at those levels per paying in the 60s and 70s!
This is the current schedule:,,id=109877,00.html
Also note, SS tax rates work differently, and actually have a cap to how much of income is taxable by it.
Just posing to clarify, I'll make an opinion post later :D
edit: Looking at the post, I realize It might be a bit pedantic. The original poster probably knows this stuff already, but simply didn't remember to change their W-2 witholding amounts when their income increased. I made the same mistake last year, and also suffered for it :(
I'll leave this post as is, but I didn't intend to give anyone a lecture.
Hero of the Month for April: Thomas Jefferson
I know no safe depository of the ultimate powers of the society but the people themselves
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Post subject: Re: Why are you a Democrat?
PostPosted: Mon Apr 28, 2008 12:11 pm
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Taidaishar wrote:
I'm not saying that civil unions should or should NOT be legalized. I'm merely saying that as it stands now, homosexuals have the same rights as we do. If civil unions happen, it's not just going to give homosexuals the right to marry someone of the same sex, it's going to give EVERYONE that right, even heterosexuals.
Marriage isn't the only right denied gay americans. Though there are a multitude of rights and privileges associated with marriage that are denied to gay couples.
And without being able to legally declare the other person as a dependent a homosexual couple cannot benefit from one another’s health insurance. In some states laws have been passed that ban same-sex partner benefits. Without lawful recognition of gay couples a child cannot inherit from their biological parent’s same-sex partner. A gay or lesbian couple can be legally denied housing in many states. A same sex partner has no legal standing to sue for wrongful death, make arrangements for their partner’s funeral, or visit their partner in the hospital. A gay or lesbian couple cannot adopt in many states. In others a person in a same sex relationship cannot even file domestic abuse charges. According to the law two men or women who love each other and lived together for years are just strangers. And this institutionalized discrimination does not end with just a couple. The anti-gay stance of the united states military and state department are fine examples of a place where heterosexuals have rights that are denied to homosexuals. One of the most heinous and egregious violations of a homosexual man or woman’s civil rights is that in many states it is perfectly legal to fire someone, simply for being gay.
Sources: ... 8801310406 ... argue.html ... 66176.html ... Jan10.html ... riage-ban/ ... A963958260
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Post subject: Re: Why are you a Democrat?
PostPosted: Mon Apr 28, 2008 12:37 pm
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Honar wrote:
Yeah see here is the thing, I am all in favor of Civil Unions, but not Gay Marriage. Yet, amazingly, I am called a bigot, funny thing, that.
I wouldn't call you a bigot, but I find creating a separate but equal status for one minority group to be rather discriminatory. If you are going to make the argument of marriage as a religious institution then we should have civil unions for everyone and thus have religious marriage wholly separate from the legal contract of marriage. Though as long as atheists can get married marriage is not a religious institution. ;)
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Post subject: Re: Why are you a Democrat?
PostPosted: Mon Apr 28, 2008 12:49 pm
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OolonColluphid wrote:
Honar wrote:
Yeah see here is the thing, I am all in favor of Civil Unions, but not Gay Marriage. Yet, amazingly, I am called a bigot, funny thing, that.
I wouldn't call you a bigot, but I find creating a separate but equal status for one minority group to be rather discriminatory. If you are going to make the argument of marriage as a religious institution then we should have civil unions for everyone and thus have religious marriage wholly separate from the legal contract of marriage. Though as long as atheists can get married marriage is not a religious institution. ;)
I am thinking along these lines as well. Marriage is a religious ceremony, when you get married in a church you are still required to take the document in to be certified by the state or get a license from the state. Problem is people would go all emo if you called all marriages as they exist now civil unions.
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Post subject: Re: Why are you a Democrat?
PostPosted: Tue Apr 29, 2008 9:35 am
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I'm a Registered Republican, but I consider my self more of a Libertarian then I do Republican because I'm a Conservative first and foremost. I believe in the individual( I believe that you can succeed, I believe that you can fail, I believe that it's up to you). I believe in the Constitution of this Great Country and the fact that ALL men are created equal. I believe in small government with LESS regulation on business. I believe in freedom of religion not freedom from religion. I believe in the free market and letting the market correct not thur stimulus checks but time. I believe in low taxes(because the more money you have the more you can save or spend, depending on what you decide, not what someone tells you). I believe in school choice. I believe that you don't need someone to tell you what to and how to do it. I believe that America is the greatest country in the world, that you can achieve any thing if you try. I believe that you and I are what makes America great.
On non-Fiscal issues I rank as a Strong Conservative(88) and on Fiscal issues I rank as a Strong Conservative(85)
I also believe that the current tax code is horrible and should be replaced with the Fairtax
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Post subject: Re: Why are you a Democrat?
PostPosted: Tue Apr 29, 2008 2:31 pm
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Srill wrote:
I believe in freedom of religion not freedom from religion.
How do you mean? The reason I ask is because when I think of "freedom from religion" I think of the freedom to be an atheist. I have seen some others use it to mean that state sponsored programs (schools) should not endorse a religion and/or tax money should not go to religious groups. So, I'm just curious what "freedom from religion" means to you.
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Post subject: Re: Why are you a Democrat?
PostPosted: Wed Apr 30, 2008 9:04 am
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OolonColluphid wrote:
Srill wrote:
I believe in freedom of religion not freedom from religion.
How do you mean? The reason I ask is because when I think of "freedom from religion" I think of the freedom to be an atheist. I have seen some others use it to mean that state sponsored programs (schools) should not endorse a religion and/or tax money should not go to religious groups. So, I'm just curious what "freedom from religion" means to you.
To me Freedom of religion, means that you can practice any religion you like, be it Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Buddhism or you can be an atheist or an agnostic, it's up to you. However, there is no freedom from religion, meaning that anyone can display the Ten Commandments, or whatever other religious symbol anywhere. Also if you go to a government building and there's something religious on display doesn't mean you have to look at it. No one is forcing you to look at their cross on their neck or prayer mat in there locker at school. Freedom of means you can practice whatever you choose, I can tell you you are wrong, but you can still do it.
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Post subject: Re: Why are you a Democrat?
PostPosted: Wed Apr 30, 2008 9:54 am
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Srill wrote:
Also if you go to a government building and there's something religious on display doesn't mean you have to look at it.
I have no problem with the rest of what you said, but specific religious symbols (bought with taxpayer money) in a courthouse and/or school violate the seperation o church and state. If someone wants to donate a ten commandments monument and have it labeled as such, or a government employee wants to adorn their space with religious symbols I have no problem. Yet if a school or courthouse uses taxpayer funds to put up a picture of Jesus or the ten commandments then that goes beyond freedom of religion and becomes tax payer money funding religion and thus showing preference to a religion.
I agree that there are those that go overboard against public displays of religion, but I don't think tax money or government organizations should be involved in religion. It's a dangerous mix.
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Post subject: Re: Why are you a Democrat?
PostPosted: Wed Apr 30, 2008 6:22 pm
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OolonColluphid wrote:
Srill wrote:
Also if you go to a government building and there's something religious on display doesn't mean you have to look at it.
I have no problem with the rest of what you said, but specific religious symbols (bought with taxpayer money) in a courthouse and/or school violate the seperation o church and state. If someone wants to donate a ten commandments monument and have it labeled as such, or a government employee wants to adorn their space with religious symbols I have no problem. Yet if a school or courthouse uses taxpayer funds to put up a picture of Jesus or the ten commandments then that goes beyond freedom of religion and becomes tax payer money funding religion and thus showing preference to a religion.
I agree that there are those that go overboard against public displays of religion, but I don't think tax money or government organizations should be involved in religion. It's a dangerous mix.
The separation of church and state, is a phrase that is often toss about by those whom are afraid of ANYTHING religious being on display, anywhere. Secondly, there is no reference to the separation of church and state ANYWAY in the constitution or the bill of rights. The phrase comes from Thomas Jefferson's letter to the Danbury Baptists, which you can find at
In this letter Thomas Jefferson explains why he didn't call for national days of fasting and Thanksgiving, as George Washington and John Adams had as president. But two days later he, himself went to church.
This phrase is always taken out of context, and once again we return to the whole freedom of religion, not freedom from religion.
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[ 62 posts ]
Friday, April 25, 2008
Hum, er, ya
First of all I'd like to give a shout to my boy Chipper Jones for Homering and going 3 for 3 on his birthday yesterday, as the Braves won 7-4.
Secondly, I went to the school and found out that I'm 21 credit hours away from having my A.A. done, so the plan is to do 6 hours this summer in the form of Geology and Intro to Art. And then in the Fall 12 hours and another 12 hours in the Spring of 09, now I know what you're saying "Marshall, that's more than 21 hours." But the other 9 hours would be give me classes or classes in my major. But it's going to be interesting to say the least.
Secondly, I went to the school and found out that I'm 21 credit hours away from having my A.A. done, so the plan is to do 6 hours this summer in the form of Geology and Intro to Art. And then in the Fall 12 hours and another 12 hours in the Spring of 09, now I know what you're saying "Marshall, that's more than 21 hours." But the other 9 hours would be give me classes or classes in my major. But it's going to be interesting to say the least.
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
So why'd you ask?
This morning at work, I was talking with my friend Steve, and my other friend Marla came up and asked me how my ankle was doing? So naturally I started explaining what was doing on with my ankle, how it still wasn't great but getting better and how my ankle brace was causing my heel to hurt and so on. And then my friend Steve burst out with "Dude, just say it's good", "she doesn't really care, she's just being nice, geez." I replied "Then why'd she ask?"
This brought me some thoughts on Why ever time I ask some one at church about there lives, they always say "ok" or "good" and that's it. Where as I go into this whole story about what is happening in my life. But there's a disconnect they don't seem to actually care, Why'd you ask?
It drives me nuts, I care, if I didn't I wouldn't have asked.....
What just happened? I care.
This brought me some thoughts on Why ever time I ask some one at church about there lives, they always say "ok" or "good" and that's it. Where as I go into this whole story about what is happening in my life. But there's a disconnect they don't seem to actually care, Why'd you ask?
It drives me nuts, I care, if I didn't I wouldn't have asked.....
What just happened? I care.
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
This video rocks
Click on the title to watch it, it's a machinima so have an open when you watch it.
It's called The Device has been modified
It's called The Device has been modified
Saturday, April 12, 2008
Hum..What to do, What to do...part 2
So that being said we have entered a pivotal point in our lives, not only in our(my family and I) lives but in all of our lives; yours and mine. The time to decide what you believe in. What do you believe in? I believe in God; I believe that he sent his one and only son Jesus to this world to save from all of our sins. I believe in the greatness of America, believe that we as Americans can do any thing we want to; that we are able to achieve any thing we want to, all we have have to do is point forth the effort, which leads me to my point.
Do I want, can I put forth the effort that is required to make a change? To move to Florida and go back to school and make a decision. The answer I know is of course "yes", but the thing is; I'm scared. Scared of failing, failing hurts, it stings. How do you get over the fear of failing?
What do I do?
Do I want, can I put forth the effort that is required to make a change? To move to Florida and go back to school and make a decision. The answer I know is of course "yes", but the thing is; I'm scared. Scared of failing, failing hurts, it stings. How do you get over the fear of failing?
What do I do?
Tuesday, April 08, 2008
Hum..What to do, What to do..part 1
Recently I was listening to an episode of the Rush Limbaugh show, and he was talking about how we as Americans pay greatly for our ignorance. He says that because of the liberal education system in this county that we pay for it. As I continued to listen to Mr. Limbaugh, I realized that he was talking about me, he said that the American public school system has made people hate everything good about America.
I can remember in 11th grade English class being told about Joesph McCarthy, a republican Senator from Wisconsin during the late 1940's to 1957. I remember how my teacher at the time told my class mates and I about how awful he was because he basically thought some people were Communist. And I being all of 15 or 16 at the time believed her, without question. I remember thinking how awful he was for thinking that Communist would dare to show there face at any time whether it was today or 1951; because I didn't know any better. But now I realize that people that don't believe in something will believe in any thing.
Sense I was in 11th grade I have been told to hate Wal-Mart, the American medical profession, the American Insurance companies, as well as many other American things.
And I listened to it all and believed it all, why, because I was ignorant; I didn't know any better. Hell, I even started believing in Global Warming until I hear Rush talking about how Global Warming was just a way of raising my taxes. At that moment I decided enough, I am not going to let people dictate what I believe in.
To be Continued...
I can remember in 11th grade English class being told about Joesph McCarthy, a republican Senator from Wisconsin during the late 1940's to 1957. I remember how my teacher at the time told my class mates and I about how awful he was because he basically thought some people were Communist. And I being all of 15 or 16 at the time believed her, without question. I remember thinking how awful he was for thinking that Communist would dare to show there face at any time whether it was today or 1951; because I didn't know any better. But now I realize that people that don't believe in something will believe in any thing.
Sense I was in 11th grade I have been told to hate Wal-Mart, the American medical profession, the American Insurance companies, as well as many other American things.
And I listened to it all and believed it all, why, because I was ignorant; I didn't know any better. Hell, I even started believing in Global Warming until I hear Rush talking about how Global Warming was just a way of raising my taxes. At that moment I decided enough, I am not going to let people dictate what I believe in.
To be Continued...
Monday, April 07, 2008
Sports and God?
I find myself wondering why people at sporting events or watching at home, pray for stuff to happen in the game. I mean seriously I even do it, Like when my Gators need a big defensive stop or they need another touchdown, or whatever, I and many other fans around the country pray for God to intervene on there behalf. And then they do it again the next game. But what really bothers me is that most of these people no doubt probably have never ever darken the door of a church much less have a personal relationship with Jesus and yet they pray to God to help there team to win and then if there team doesn't win it's God's Fault. Give me a break I believe in Jesus. I have a personal relationship with him, I know the he brought this topic to my mind. God knows that we watch sports, he gave us sports to use it as a ministry. God is about people, he loves you, Sports is about people, People play and watch sports. I don't believe he cares about the wins and losses he cares about the people.
Choose Jesus, he loves you....
Choose Jesus, he loves you....
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Thoughts and more....
I know that it has been a while since my last post, but I'm back and I've sprained my ankle; yes, on March 13th 2208, on my way into work I slipped on some ice in the Mall parking lot and sprained my right ankle, it did not feel good. But aside from that I just wanted to take a couple of minutes to convey my thoughts on a couple of things.
First there is the old machine calling device, it is so annoying when I pick up the phone and the "person" on the other end of the line is clearly a machine; why is it so hard to let me talk to a living, breathing human being?
Secondly, why any time I call either tech support my computer or router, is the person I talk to in India or somewhere like that, why can't they be in Tulsa or Bakersfield, why India?
Finally, why are we(Americans) unable to drill for oil in ANWR; we could be paying 2 dollar for a gallon of gas instead of paying 3.15 for a gallon of gas.
First there is the old machine calling device, it is so annoying when I pick up the phone and the "person" on the other end of the line is clearly a machine; why is it so hard to let me talk to a living, breathing human being?
Secondly, why any time I call either tech support my computer or router, is the person I talk to in India or somewhere like that, why can't they be in Tulsa or Bakersfield, why India?
Finally, why are we(Americans) unable to drill for oil in ANWR; we could be paying 2 dollar for a gallon of gas instead of paying 3.15 for a gallon of gas.
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Podcasts and the good stuff...
Do you all know what podcasts are? I gotta say I am a fan of a lot of podcasts. Mostly World of Warcraft podcasts, but podcasts never the less. There are podcast on every subject from Games and hobbies to sports to news and everything in between.
Wednesday, January 09, 2008
Monday, January 07, 2008
What will this year hold?
365 days, seems like a long time but is it really? Especially when you consider that it's already been two weeks since Christmas, that mean you only have 50 weeks till next Christmas. That being said we have a lot of stuff thats going to take place between now then, College Basketball season, Pro Basketball season, Baseball, Super bowl, Easter, Mother's day and everything else, and then before you it it's Christmas again. But I have some things that I wish to accomplish between now and then, but I won't tell you unless you ask me real nice....But what about you what do think will happen and why? I love to know any thoughts you may have.....
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